Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Hayley meets Boy

I have also been M.I.A and not because I've been dating loads of boys.  Hashtag dry spell.  But I have noticed a pattern...

Boy adds Hayley on Facebook
Boy chats and flirts with Hayley on Facebook
Boy likes Hayley's banter but doesn't ask her out
Boy gets in to a relationship but not with Hayley 
Boy deletes Hayley on Facebook (cheers)
Boy gets single
Boy re-adds Hayley on Facebook

And repeat

YAY! xx


Monday, 12 August 2013

Amy's August Date(s)

Yup, this one got two dates. Almost unheard of. 
We meet for a drink which started off with THE most awkward 'are we just kissing on the cheek, or are we hugging aswell' situation of ALL time. We managed to recover from that quickly and were pretty chatty with each other. I'm driving but he's drinking steadily... I'm guessing he has a few nerves? As we seemed to be getting on well, he suggests we go somewhere else for dinner. 
We bump into some of his friends, and he looks pretty embarrassed. They then decide to sit opposite us, and wave at us and text him for the rest of the night. LADS.
My favourite thing about this guy is how much he laughs- especially at my shit jokes. At one point he's crying with laughter, and I feel pretty goddam smug about it. I give him a lift home, and he texts me a couple of days later asking if I want to do it again.
The next week we meet for another drink, and he starts the nervous drinking again, but this time I'm doing it too. We end up drunk, as he downs his drinks and demand that I keep up with him. We find out we have the same birthday, and he says 'at least when we're together, i'll never forget your birthday'. Awks. What the fuck. 
On the way home he makes a bold move and puts his arm around me, year 7 style. Year 7 or not, I'm still pretty scared of it. Apparently I don't react very well with successful dates, and I get the hell out of there as soon as I can. He's a lovely guy, and nearly ticks all the boxes. But I don't fancy him. Probably because he's not an absolute bellend. 

Amy xx

You know he's a keeper when he comes back from the bar with pork scratchings.... 

Amy's July Date

I'm gonna say that I didn't have a date in June because I was just so damn busy with birthdays and social plans, and getting a new job etc etc. That's clearly the reason. 
July was looking very much the same way until I got asked out on the 31st. Lucky. I said yes to this guy because he's local to the new city I work in, where I know nobody. He said he'd show me around and we could go for lunch- Which would be lovely if we weren't in Basingstoke. 
I met him in the delightful town centre, after about half an hour of him directing me over the phone, and we went to a restaurant for some food. 
One of the most attractive qualities about him is that he's a fireman. That's so fucking hot. (No pun intended) I start to ask him about it but I don't really get the reaction I expected, as he tells me he doesn't really want to talk about it. Brilliant, there goes ALL of my conversational content. 
Somehow, we end up deep in conversation about his best friend dating a prostitute. It's the most interesting thing we speak about for the whole date, and he ends up showing me her website where she lists her services. We talk about how her boobs are wonky, and I ask him what 'snowballing' is. I wish I hadn't asked, I can't finish my pasta. 
He's a good looking guy, I just REALLY wish he didn't have a tattoo of a turtle on his leg. Yes, a TURTLE. 
 He paid the bill, and said that I 'can pay next time, *wink*'. Hmm. Second dates aren't really my thing apparently. 

Amy xx

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Amy's May Date

Don' t get your hopes up for Mr May. He was not good.

I met him on a night out (instant fail). We were both very drunk and all I seem to recall is him swinging me around in some sort of elaborate dance routine, and making me laugh quite a lot. He wasn't my usual type at all... but my logic here being that my usual type is usually 'bellend'. 
He told me he thought I was good fun, and he seemed really fun too. In hindsight, this is probably because we were both drunk and well, what isn't fun when you're drunk. I scope him out on Facebook and convince myself that he doesn't look 'too bad'. His profile pictures were ok... his tagged photos an absolute shambles. 

After a few days he asks me out for a drink. I should add that before settling for a drink, he suggested he 'came round for dinner'. He strikes me as a dating retard, but I persist. His banter is reasonable and I'm somehow intrigued, even if does keep making inappropriate first date suggestions. (One of his texts says 'I'd prefer to do something a bit more active'. Get a grip). 

I can tell that I'm not too bothered about this guy as I get ready... I put on the staple leather leggings, a t shirt and trainers. TRAINERS. I don't give a fuck do I. I pull up at his house and he comes outside to meet me. 

Mr May clearly also does not give a fuck, as he walks up to the car in a hoodie WITH HIS HOOD UP. Is this a joke? After the initial fear that I was about to get abused by a youth, he takes me to a country pub. I offer to buy him a drink, and he says yes. I didn't expect that. I'm buying my hoodie wearing date a drink. This is awful. 

He spends the first 15 minutes telling me about his carb- only diet. He shows me an app on his phone which records these carbs. Fascinating, tell me more. I convince myself he's just nervous, the fun guy from the bar will emerge soon. WRONG. There are one or two awkward silences, something I've never experienced on a date before. I have no idea what to say to this douche. After an hour, we decide to leave. Thank God. I preferred the drunk version of this guy. Needless to say I won't be seeing Mr May again. Back to the 'bellend' then. 

Amy x

Sunday, 21 April 2013

So it's April, I still haven't had a date and I feel like I'm letting the blog down!

This is typical me. I can't be bothered (probably got something to do with why I'm still single) and I just live the single dating life through Ames.

The last date I went on was so much fun as well. I might as well tell you about it.

We went to Gunwharf - obvious choice. Amy came round before to help me with my outfit and gave me a lift (thanks mum)!

We arranged to meet at Slug & Lettuce and he was late. I had a large glass of wine before he eventually turned up...with a hole in his crotch!

He immediately got his tattoos out, I think to break the ice as they were pretty stupid. One on his toe, you can imagine my face as anyone who knows me well will know I have foot phobia.

We had a bit of an awkward conversation about my ex and then he offers me jaeger, I oblige. Four for £10 would be rude not to, right? 

We got on pretty well and I think I made him laugh. On to Bar 38 for a dance. Cringein'ell. His shapes were outrageous so I quickly abort the plan.

I whatsapped Ames who was chilling at her friend's apartment which overlooks the bar. She offered me a lift home and seeing as I was 8/10 drunk I accept. She gives my date a lift home too!

I should probably have mentioned earlier that my date looks a bit like Nick Grimshaw and is Craig David's biggest fan so it's banterville all the way home.

I had a good night! Just haven't seen him again. Might give him a text actually.

I promise to have a May date!

Hayley xoxo

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Amy's April Date

Not really sure where to start with Mr April... a weekend away in Brighton isn't my usual kind of date. To be honest I wasn't sure if it was a date or not until I was driving back home checking my phone for the 'Thank you, I had a really good time' text.... yeah, that was a 'date'. 

I've known Mr April for 8 years... back in 2005 I thought he was THE coolest guy in the world. Seriously. That boy knew how to take a good MSN messenger profile picture. 

For the first time in 8 years, we are both single again...and we somehow casually arrange a weekend at his in Brighton. I guess it didn't really seem weird til I rock up with a suitcase :/ (He later tells me that he was surprised to see me stroll in wearing a woolly hat and chewing gum... there seem to be some date rules I've missed out somewhere. Both are unacceptable.) I send the standard 'I'm here ok, and he's still hot' text to my nearest and dearest. 

Thankfully, there's no awkwardness and we go out for a few drinks. He's as funny as I remember, and we spent most of the night taking the piss out of other people. Perfect. 

We head back and do the cliche of chatting til the early hours.CHATTING. Stay classy girls. 

On Saturday we went to one of my favourite places for 'meant to be breakfast but we got up too late so it's lunch/ dinner'. We then have a lazy day, finished off with more drinks and a takeaway. Pretty spot- on Saturday. 

Standard Instagrammed food pic

Can I just point out, that after talking about Derren Brown, we play the 'guess what number I'm thinking of' game. We guessed right EVERY time. I'm 90% sure that's the first time that's ever happened since records began. Just sayin. *COUGH* meant to be *COUGH*

On Sunday he takes me for a pub roast. I'm impressed. He was scared of some wasps and made a bit of a fuss, but I'm not allowed to write about that. 

Then more chilling at his, and a mandatory Friends sesh (a good three episodes) before I drive home. Ten minutes into the drive... There's that text. Bossed it ;) 


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Single Girl's Bank Holiday Weekend

No March date for me.... just a three night Easter bender. That'll do. 
I'm not really one to be on the lookout for men when I go out- but for the sake of the blog, I'll make an exception ;) 

Three nights out, three different places, three different types of men. Hayley (my usual partner in crime) isn't about this weekend, so a few of my other single friends happily oblige.... 


Fancying a laid back and casual night, me and my friend Claire head to a beer festival before going to a small club nearby, known for having a bit more of an 'alternative' crowd. Your average man in here will be wearing a hoody. He may even be wearing a hat (Controversial). He will more than likely be good fun, but there is a pretty good chance that he will smell like feet. I'm juuuuust saying. 

Time for a bit of..."Excuse me... can I get a photo please?!" Cringe. Again, for the sake of the blog.... 

See, a boy in a hat. 

This one has a beard! And a hoody!

The main difference about the men in this place is that they're pretty laid back, and have no issues with coming over for a chat and a bit of banter. 
After bouncing around like an idiot who's definitely had one cider too many, I get chatting to someone.... 

Him: "Let's just get really drunk"
Me: "Yeeeahh! I've run out of money...."
Him: "I don't buy girls drinks.

   What drink you want?" 

I get a facebook add the next night. Smooth. 


Saturday night was a work night out in the centre of town. You can pretty much guarantee that ANY man you meet here will be a prick. It's a bold statement, but I'm sticking to it. Most of the men here look like they fell right out of Geordie Shore. Vom. They're also fairly convinced that grinding against you is a fail safe conversation opener, that's if their bottle of Grey Goose hasn't got you in their booth yet.... 
Needless to say there are no photos from Saturday night.

Had constant texts from Mr January. What a trooper. 


My good friend Abbie joined me for my last night out, this time in a different city. She didn't disappoint. The men here are definitely more my type- a bit more cheeky, approachable... 
I just wish I could remember more :/ I'm not too sure how attractive a couple of girls are after downing half the contents of the bar?

Meet my new friends.... 

This guy couldn't have been more chuffed to have his photo taken...

Conversation of the evening: 
"Hi, what's your name?"
"Ah cool. Where you staying tonight?"

Aaaaand that is why I don't meet anyone out. 


Sunday, 24 March 2013

Plenty of Dins...

So this is why Internet dating hasn't worked for us.... 

Hayley and Amy

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Hayley's February date

My longest standing non-celebrity crush has got to be the postman at work.
He is the ultimate silver fox. DILF. So I couldn't believe my luck when he asked me out.

He did the old gentlemanly thing of picking me up - no not in his red van.
He had flowers, took me to a really classy restaurant where we had good food, good wine and good banter. He would not let me pay a penny. He dropped me home and did not try and get in my pants.

And then I woke up.

Shock there was no February date. Better luck for March ay - only 14 days left. Shit, better start inboxing.


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Amy's February Date

Well they do say absence makes the heart grow fonder... sorry we've been slack. Basically, shortly after the below date, I was briefly seeing someone. He then told me he was going to work a season in Ibiza this summer. That old chestnut ;) 

Aaaaanyway, Mr February arranged to meet me for a hot chocolate in a little village pub. This makes me more nervous than a boozy night out, not sure why. Probably because I can't blame any 'Amy-isms' on being pissed. 
I got there a bit early so waited for him in the car like a cool person, and he rocked up in a dad-car.

Mr February is very tall, and very good looking. He looks a lot like Steve Jones,  this is good, very good. He's a lot better looking than his brother, who I have also dated but anyway, moving on :/
 Despite me thinking that I'd played it cool, he tells me that he'd seen me waiting in my car. Fuck. 

We had about 3 hours of chit chat over two hot chocolates (steady on), and then I decide to call it a night at the late hour of 9 o clock. 
Mr February is really good looking, kind, sweet and funny. But I don't fancy him. Brilliant. 

After a facebook stalking sesh, and bumping into him on a night out, I discover why I don't fancy him. His mouth is a funny shape when he talks. And he wears bootleg jeans. 

Conversation with my two best friends tonight: 
"Come on Amy, you always moan about not finding a nice guy"
"Yeah, one day you might look at him and realise that his cat bum mouth is one of the things you love about him"

Sorry girls. 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Essex Boys Boys Boys

There are some right salty potatoes in Essex. And we have discovered that an Essex accent can transform your average male into a right charming and cheeky chappy. Not ENTIRELY why we go there though, promise...

For our annual perve (disguised well with drinking/ dancing/ shopping) we travelled up to Brentwood on Thursday for a couple of nights.

Got made up Thursday night and started at the Slug.  Then made our way to Sugar Hut.  

Erm... that's almost her name.

Met a few lads, not sure we can call them our February dates...

"The blonde one"- Hayley

This guy I clocked straight away in Slug, he literally couldn't be more Essex if he tried. Mario Falcone barnet, albeit blonde, hence his nickname. I don't usually go for blondes. Nice face, smartly dressed, acted as if he had a girlfriend (girls, you know what I mean) so I left him well alone. Then I'm on the dance floor downstairs at Sugar Hut and I can't believe my luck when he appears right next to me with his mate who I could have sworn was Craig Phillips from Big Brother (he reckoned he wasn't).  Both giving it the elbow dance. He tells me he's signed off work with a bad back - if only his boss could have seen him...buys me a drink, on to the next.

"Peter the prick"- Hayley

His nickname says it all. He told me I had big thighs, I told him to fu*k off. 

"The Gymnast"- Hayley

Now this one kept me occupied for the rest of the night - not like that.  Again it was his dancing that caught my eye.  He literally had me at hello.  Opened our conversation by showing me a scar on his hand and telling me he almost died when he was a baby.  We chatted for a bit, the usual.  He tells me his various jobs - lifeguard, PT, Gymnast, GYMNAST?! I think I actually asked if he was in the olympics, cringe. I drop my straw so he offers me his.  At the time I remember thinking that was so romantic (easily pleased)!  He insists on buying me a drink too, so I oblige ;) A lot of fun but maybe not the sharpest tool in the box- when he tries to find himself on facebook for me he fails... 

"The Pests"- Both of Us

It's always awkward when the guys that ask to sit with you are possibly the least fortunate looking in the whole bar. Yeah... that happened. We have a tendency to be a little cold with these kind of men usually, but as nice girls, try to be as polite as possible. Unfortunately this ended in "we're just going to the toilet", before we did a runner. Little did we know that we would bump into these men again. And again. And again. With only one club in Brentwood, we really should have thought this through. 

"The Slapper"- Amy 

This one does NOT have a happy ending. Whilst Hayley is busy having a dance with The Blonde One, I'm being entertained by Ryan. Ryan thinks he's Drake. Let me tell you- he is not. After some very bad dance moves and even worse small talk, he moves in for the grind. No, no, NO. I manage to escape, and I pretend to be completely oblivious to him staring at me from across the room. 
Later on, I see him pestering Hayley, who is clearly having the same issues. I touch Ryan's shoulder and give him a little patronising shake of the head...as in "no mate, just no". He then shouts "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" and slaps me round the face. Seriously. 
He gets chucked out. 

"The Pro Golfer"- Amy 

I'd had my eyes on Lewis from the moment he walked in (Taylor Swift?) and he looked my type straight away- tall, dark, sort of handsome. I was drunk. 
I saw my opportunity to talk to him when The Slapper was hassling me. I did the whole damsel in distress act, which worked a treat. "Excuse me, can you pretend to be with me? That guy that thinks he's Drake won't leave me alone" *flutter eyelashes*. It was going a little too well- we had a laugh and he told me he was a professional golfer. He then has to leave... takes me to a quieter room to 'say goodbye' (OI OI AMES!), and then walks off to leave. "You've got a girlfriend haven't you!"... he shrugs at me. Bellend. 


What a lad. Proper Salty. 

You can follow us on twitter: 

We'll let you know when we do new posts :)

Thanks for reading!

Hayley and Amy 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

January: Hayley's date

Might as well leave this blank as there was no date. Massive fail!

I did have one lined up, randomly with a guy I used to be really good friends with about 10 years ago. He asked if I wanted to meet up on Sunday night and go for a Nandos which is always a hit with me (single chicken pitta, medium with cheese and spicy rice). I was treating it more of a catch up but for blog purposes, a date.

He started whatsapping me at half 1 on Sunday morning which I thought was a blatant reminder, you know, remember you're seeing me tomorrow.

Then the next morning, he cancelled, boom. Said his Mum was cooking him and his family dinner...

So of course I hooked up with Amy instead who put a bit of peer pressure on.

I figured what's the point there were only 4 days left until the end of the month plus I already had plans which I was not prepared to cancel for a boy! 

So I'll save myself for Feb. After all I'm gonna be inundated with offers on facebook with this horrendous profile picture Amy's about to make me put up...

I saw this card in Sainsbury's which I thought I'd share seeing as I don't have a date pic!

Love Hayley xox

Monday, 21 January 2013

January: Amy's date

Thankfully, before me and Hayley had come up with the 12 date challenge, I'd already been on my first- so that's January's out the way....phew! 
Before I'd met this date, I knew he had 'been with' (ahem), one of my good friends. This was just the once, and was after a drunken night out, so I didn't worry about it too much. I did obviously consult the lovely friend in question beforehand, who gave a response of 'yeah mate go for it!'. Love her. 

When it comes to date outfits, something strange seems to happen to me, and I choose something completely random that I'd never think of wearing on a night out, usually something that I've stolen from my housemates wardrobe. At first I stuck to my guns and chose a simple T shirt, with leather look leggings and a blazer. Immediately after calling the taxi I have a panic and throw off the T Shirt, and put on a sequin vest instead. Which belongs to my housemate. AGAIN! 

I send the standard outfit photo to Hayley and she approves. 

It wasn't til I got out the house that I realised how low cut the top was. Interesting. Anyway, we met (for the first time, eek), in quite a civilised bar. First impressions were quite good- he was pretty hot- good face, good hair, good build. Tick, tick, tick. 
The conversation didn't exactly flow, but I put that down to nerves on his part- when I'm nervous I chat and chat, which is quite convenient on a date! 
He then suggested a pub down the road that he said was a bit more lively, so he led the way. We walk into a room full of dancing middle aged folk, singing to Rihanna and Lady Gaga. Definitely more lively. But this was a gay bar. Genius when you think about it. 
To this day, I'm not sure he knows it's a gay bar. He said he hangs out there a lot and one of his observations were 'there are a lot of gay people in there'. Uh oh. The all-singing, all-dancing DJ on stage is a bit of a giveaway, darling. 

A few drinks later, my date is drunk. He then insists that he wants food, so a first for me, we go for an Indian. On our first date. Drunk. I then sit and watch him eat a curry. Strange, no?! 

Then me and my even drunker date venture back into the gay bar. By this point, I get the feeling he's TOO drunk and wants to go home. It's a Saturday night, it's 11.30 and I didn't get dressed up for no reason- I'm getting us another drink. 
All is fine until my date takes a gulp of his drink from the glass, a girl pushes past him, and he chips his tooth on the side of the glass. SERIOUSLY?!!!
My date is NOT happy. After I tell him a million times that you can't see it, he says 'I'm annoyed, I'm going to have to go home'. Ok. 

So with a slightly grumpy hug, he gets in a taxi and goes home... as I say goodbye to him I hear him say to the taxi driver 'To A&E please'. Let's hope he's joking. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

12 months, 12 dates...

So tonight, over a Nandos, we made a pact to each other:
We MUST have at least one date, EVERY month for a whole year. 
So that's 12 months, 12 dates. No excuses! 

Hayley only had one date last year and Amy's dates always end up being a little bit mental- so this will be a challenge for both of us... 

Here are the rules: 
Each date must be a different man (sloares) 
We need to try and take a photo of us with our dates- to put up on here but to also prove the date happened!! 
Failure to find a date will result in an ugly facebook profile picture for ONE MONTH, chosen by each other. The worst punishment for a single girl... cue evil laugh... 

Each date story will be shared with you, you lucky lot! 

This will be a fun year :) 

Love Amy and Hayley 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013



Imagine the above line, shouted loudly, and quite drunkenly, in some unsuspecting guy's face- It seemed like a pretty legit chat up line at the time. And that's probably why we're still single.

We're Amy and Hayley. We've been best friends for about 15 years, and have been enjoying the ups and downs of being single together for the last two. These are our faces...  

After months of talking about making a blog about the single life, we're finally doing it. We don't man- hate (we actually quite like them), and we're not here to name and shame- we just find each other and our stories effing hilarious! 

Oh, and if you're looking for dating advice... We're not your ladies...

Watch this space...!

Love Amy and Hayley x